Santa wanted a Lambada with the extended baggage tube (7' 10" long) to handle all of the presents. He also wanted to simplify his flying, trading the multi-engine problems for the reliability of the Rotax 912.
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The Samba has the same wing as the Lambada, with about 4 feet removed from the root section. In other words, it is the outer wing section of the Lambada. That means the Samba has very nice flying characteristics too. The slotted fowler flaps really bring it down at a steep angle when fully deployed, while maintaining good airflow attachment. This plane is strong and fast!
Joe and Jim flew Peter's new plane to Merritt Island to get the headset jack worked on. Urban Air engineer Martin Stepanek flew alongside to take this photo. Martin shot over 400 photos with his Canon SLR with 10megapixel resolution, during this 1 hour out and return. You'll be seeing more of his shots in the days to come. He flew with Barry Pruitt in Barry's Evektor Sport Star LSA. The headset jack was fixed in no time, so we headed back to MLB just before sunset.