OK, you are probably wondering about a post of an airplane on a motorglider blogsite. (Actually some folks call the Samba a motorglider). And how about that Phoenix flight report? There are connections here. We are delivering the new Samba to Carson City, just south of Reno, and then picking up a Lambada to bring "home to the nest" in Melbourne, Florida. You can see Bob Johnson above, standing next to his new plane after the ferry flight across the country.

Urban Air Samba XXL and Lambada share the sky over Florida.

Approaching Moab, Utah for a stop at the Canyonlands airport for fuel. Last stop was Liberal, Kansas.

The Samba performed flawlessly across the country. Typical economy cruise settings yielded 110kts. The Samba is as fast as the LSA regs allow!
After some flying with Bob in the Carson/Minden area, it was time to head back to Florida in the Lambada.